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Blogging Information

I have been making a list of the books I would like to read this summer? How about you?  It is always hard to decide what to read first but I finally narrowed down my choices.  Mrs. LaBarbera was interested in my choices too so she will be reading along.


Now I am inviting you to read along too!  Pick any of the books on the list and blog with me!  What's a blog?  It is an online space for people to share their thoughts about a topic...mine is about books.   


First Step-- select a book.  Can't decide? Click on the book and  you will find a short video or a summary of the book.


Second Step-- Read, Read, Read!


Third Step-- click on the note for the book you are reading and share your thoughts about the book...don't give away the ending! Please only give your full first name and the first letter of your last name.


Fouth Step--check back on the blog (wait about 24-48hrs) to see your post and any replies


Fifth Step-- feel free to blog more than once.  You can blog on the same book, another book or even respond to another student or teacher's comments.


We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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